Monday, October 22, 2012

My American Girl doll Collection

Hello again! (I told you I'd be back :) )

I wanted to show you all my AG collection so here it is: :)

Anything AG for me has to start with Addy. She was my first doll that I saved up for when I was eight years old. I went to the AG Place in New York with my Mom and my Aunt. I read the Addy books by Connie Porter at the library and loved her stories. I received a catalog shortly after and then began to save for my own Addy doll. Without further ado:

Addy is the boss of the AG doll family, she's the oldest and she knows what's what.

My second doll was Felicity Merriman. I got her for Christmas in 2004. The funny thing is, for a long time, I really disliked her. I don't know why, but I couldn't stand her. All of a sudden one day, I just looked at her and fell in love. I began sending angry e-mails to American Girl about her neglect in the catalogs and I finally got one of my own that Christmas.

My Third doll was Samantha. I fell pray to AG's clever marketing and after watching the Samantha: An American Girl Holiday movie, I desperately wanted a Samantha doll. But that actually was about the same time that I wanted Felicity, so I just secretly asked Santa to bring me a Samantha doll, but it didn't happen. Fast forward to May 2005. My Grandmother gave me money to buy the doll of my choice. Of Course I picked Samantha! I thought it was so great that my Grandmother gifted me Samantha especially with Samantha's relationship with her Grandmary in her stories. I sent her along with Felicity to the AG doll hospital last fall for new heads. I love how she looks! She is so beautiful!

Samantha is a dreamer, she encompasses my love for fairytales. She is also a little bit ditzy.

In 2006, I got April, aka Just Like You #26. I got her for Christmas that year. I wanted her so badly, but sadly she was not under the tree. As I looked over my other gifts, slightly saddened that I did not get #26, my Dad came down the stairs carrying a JLY AG box. My face brightened up immediately and I squealed with joy. It was her! Her hair does not look very good now( not like in the picture), but I am planning on sending her to the AG hospital also when I get the chance.
April is very laid back and is a music lover.

Next I saved up and bought Nicki, American girl doll of the year 2007 from a board member on the AG Playthings message board last year. I love her so much and re-named her Lucy after Lucille Ball(I love her-no pun intended), and Lucy from the Chronicles of Narnia. :) Here she is on Talk Like a Pirate Day last year. :) Lucy is a big fibber, and loves to make up adventures. She's a bit looney, but she is so lovable!

Then I got Cécile and Kanani on August 30th last year at AGPNY. (I had sold my Kit and Elizabeth dolls to get them, but I'll explain more about them later) Kanani was the Girl of the year for last year and she is from Hawaii, which is my dream vacation, other than Italy and a long Disney vacation. :)
We went on Cécile and Marie-Grace's release day and I like to believe that I bought the first Cécile doll at AGPNY that morning, since I had an appointment with a personal shopper as soon as the store opened and bought Cécile and Kanani first. 
Here they are:

Cécile is a writer and loves to write poetry and stories, just like in her books.

Kanani is just Kanani, she loves photography, but other than that she is her cannon self.

A day before my birthday the Jess doll that  I bought  (GOTY 2006) from a board member on AG playthings arrived. She loves comic books and superheroes. I re-named her Selina after Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, especially with The Dark Knight Rises movie hype since it came out this past July.

Last but certainly not least, here is my first custom American girl doll, Sovay:

Sovay is based on the novel written by Celia Rees. Sovay is an english 17 year old girl who first masquerades as a highwayman to get revenge on her cheating fiance, but then once her father is accused of high treason as a part of a wicked plan to stage a coup de- etát during the time period of the French revolution by an evil man named Dysart, she takes up her mask once again to clear her family's name. I love this book and would definitely recommend it. My Sovay doll was originally a Marie-Grace doll who was customized by the amazing Jodybo on the AG Playthings message board to have a pre-mattel Molly's gray eyes. I also bought Cécile's wig from Jody and put it on Sovay. The white dress she is wearing was made by Renee Adams at Dollhouse Designs and is my version of the gown she wears in the book during her portrait sitting at the beginning of the book.

Well, that's my AG collection! I hope you like it and please do not use my photos without my permission. I will hopefully be doing photo stories on here with them and showcasing my dolls a lot here.

Until tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

  1. We don't have these AG dolls in my country (obviously) but I'm always looking for the pictures of them. Even though I'm not going to get one for myself I still think these girls are so cute. And I love that in America they have a doll that is popular and suitable for children. Not all dolls need to have fashion clothes and make-up to be interesting for kids. AG girls are the kind of dolls I would buy for my children (if I had any).


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