Saturday, September 28, 2013

My Little Mermaid Ariel Disney Store limited edition doll!

Hey guys! Here are some pictures of my limited edition Ariel doll from the disney store!! Mine is number 203 of 6000

Untitled by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

Untitled by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?! #ariel #disney #dollstagram #disneyprincess #disneystore #thelittlemermaid #littlemermaid #disneydoll #disneydolls by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

IMG_9754 by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

IMG_9755 by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

IMG_9767 by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr


Out of water by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

Out of water by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

Out of water by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

Out of water by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

Out of water by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

And humanized!

Look at her! On legs! On HUMAN LEGS! by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

THis is a catastrophe! What would he father say?! by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

Untitled by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

Aannd she turned back into a mermaid. And she belongs... To ME! by Lost Princess of Atlantica, on Flickr

More pictures and actual reviews later, I promise! ;)


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